In this life there are leaders and there are followers. There are people who create, and those who cannot. In every aspect of life though everyone has something, if not one thing they are good at.
"Those who know what and those who know how work for those who know why", means that someone has created something from a thought or dream, imagination if you will, and brought it to life. They had the means, and the knowledge of the inner workings of the, beast but not quite the entirety of the mechanism. For that they needed and relied on others who know.
Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge", and I tend to agree with him. Not that knowledge and learning isn't important, but imagination can take us beyond common knowledge, and there in-lies some of the best ideas. Imagination is critical thinking and creativity at it's best.
There are so many times I come up with an idea, but could not tell you how to implement it, or how to go about it, just know how it would work. I cannot be bothered with the little things like monies, marketing, patents, etc., just tell me how to get me idea off the ground. And so, it sits.
I read somewhere that it's not that children are little scientists, but scientist are big children, and if you ever had the chance to watch someone with a great mind, you would notice how childlike they are. Imaginative. Curious. Always wondering, thinking, learning, tinkering. Just like a young child's mind. Idea's flow.
That is why, " Those who know what and those who know how, work for those who know why".
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Life was so much simpler, or so it seemed, back when I was young. I was a young girl growing up in the 1970's, looking towards a future. Things that were made up of in comic books of times past. Microwave ovens, computers in our homes, phones in our pockets, stuff unheard of to me back then. As I grew up and saw that technology was growing and what once was a dream of the past is in the here and now, was still unreal to me. Unfortunately, the price of the new technology, made it virtually impossible for my family to afford, so we lived without it anyway. It wasn't until things became more affordable, and I was out on my own that I was able to get the few things, like a microwave, or VCR. Now these things are so outdated or just part of the norm, nobody thinks about them anymore. I think, that technology has it way of making thing easier, and yet making things more complicated. Technology obsoletes itself in a small matter of time. We are in such a hurry to make the next bigger and better thing, that we haven't enough time to enjoy the new techno gadget we just got.
I just had a discussion in class about this and it seemed that so many were for technology driven gadgets like Ipod and Iphones, and PS3's, and things of that nature. I say give me a computer, and I have the world in my hand.
I just had a discussion in class about this and it seemed that so many were for technology driven gadgets like Ipod and Iphones, and PS3's, and things of that nature. I say give me a computer, and I have the world in my hand.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I think that I have figured it out. The reason why I do not have friends that is. I am not a "yes" person. I do not agree with people just to agree. If I have an opinion that differs, then I will voice it. Who ever said that we had to think alike? Also, I am real, not fake. I call it like I see it. No Bull shit. Life is too short for that crap. I would rather not have any friends and be true to myself than to have tons of friends and live a lie. I am who I am, and I make no apologies for it. I do not hurt anyone, and I never will, but I do not understand why those who do seem to have more friends than I? Funny how that works. All I can say is, there is not much that I regret, nor many words that I retract. I am not perfect by any means, but I have learned from my past mistakes, and I strive to make me a better me every day. Not that I was ever a bad me, but I was not the best me. On my way to figuring this all out though, I realized that I did and said allot of things just to be liked, and mostly by all the wrong people. I got rid of that old me and ultimately all of them. Seems being a good you and being good to you can sometimes lead to being alone. Yet I am not lonely. One can be alone without being lonely, go figure. As I said, I would rather not have any friends and be true to myself than to have tons of friends and live a lie.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Today February 16.
I am sitting here at the computer wondering what it is I should write. Then it occurred to me that tomorrow is, what use to be my best friend's, birthday. Stephanie and I had gone to the same schools back in California. I first met here in Elementary. I then moved. At junior high, I ran into here again. Weird. It wasn't until high school that she and I got to be really good friends. Inseparable. Thing is we got into drugs along the way. She more than I, but still I was right there with her. She had an older boyfriend, who had older friends and that is who we would hang out with, until I met my boyfriend. Still she and I were inseparable. Then at 15 I found out that I was pregnant. This really put an end to our partying days. I made the decision to keep my baby, she made the decision to continue her lifestyle. She got into heavier drugs. Heroin was now her drug of choice. I tried talking some sense into her, but it didn't work. She would lie and tell me she doesn't use anymore, but I could see the track marks. She came over one day just after shooting up. She sat in the chair nodding off during our conversation, then once she came around asked me if she could take my 12 month old son to the store with her. My reply to her was, "You are high, and can't even stay awake and you want to cross the highway with my son? No way, if you want to go and get killed be my guest but you are not taking my son with you."
I rarely saw her after that, and after a while she dropped off the face of the earth. I ran into her once when I was 18 or so. I was at a local restaurant celebrating my birthday along with my cousin whose birthday is right after mine, when in walks these two hookers. It was Steph! I could not believe my eyes. She didn't recognize me at first, but we talked briefly as she was in a hurry, then she left. I never saw her again. Years past and I searched for her, but I came up empty. Fearing her dead, I finally let go about a year ago. This past October I received a notification on my MYSPACE account that Stephanie had written to me. WOW! 25 years have past, and here she is. I couldn't believe it. Curiosity got the best of me, so I went to MYSPACE right away. She had pictures of her and everything. It was Steph alright! You can tell that drugs had worn at her, but she was still beautiful. She has two sons, and is completing her degree in Accounting. She honors Christ as saving her from the life she once lived, and continues to fight to stay sober. I am proud of her. I wish I could have helped her those many years ago, but I couldn't. She didn't want to be helped. I thought that losing our friendship would have meant something, but it didn't. Drugs take over and you have no control over your wants and needs unless you truly put your mind to it. I don't know when she made that decision to get sober, but I applaud her. She must have thought enough of us and our friendship to search for me, because once she found me she told me that she loved me and that I was always one of the few special people in her life. 25 years!! Now that's a friendship. Oh yeah! Happy 44th Birthday Stephanie.
I rarely saw her after that, and after a while she dropped off the face of the earth. I ran into her once when I was 18 or so. I was at a local restaurant celebrating my birthday along with my cousin whose birthday is right after mine, when in walks these two hookers. It was Steph! I could not believe my eyes. She didn't recognize me at first, but we talked briefly as she was in a hurry, then she left. I never saw her again. Years past and I searched for her, but I came up empty. Fearing her dead, I finally let go about a year ago. This past October I received a notification on my MYSPACE account that Stephanie had written to me. WOW! 25 years have past, and here she is. I couldn't believe it. Curiosity got the best of me, so I went to MYSPACE right away. She had pictures of her and everything. It was Steph alright! You can tell that drugs had worn at her, but she was still beautiful. She has two sons, and is completing her degree in Accounting. She honors Christ as saving her from the life she once lived, and continues to fight to stay sober. I am proud of her. I wish I could have helped her those many years ago, but I couldn't. She didn't want to be helped. I thought that losing our friendship would have meant something, but it didn't. Drugs take over and you have no control over your wants and needs unless you truly put your mind to it. I don't know when she made that decision to get sober, but I applaud her. She must have thought enough of us and our friendship to search for me, because once she found me she told me that she loved me and that I was always one of the few special people in her life. 25 years!! Now that's a friendship. Oh yeah! Happy 44th Birthday Stephanie.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
People intrigue me
I wonder why people feel like they have to talk about other people. I remember back in junior high school how the girls used to talk about one another, especially the new girl. Then later everybody became friends and forgot that you once hated each other. Then high school came and you think it will be more mature and different, just to find it's been more fine tuned and more malicious. Thing is, as you grow up, it doesn't matter where you are, people are who they are no matter what. I am 43 now, and I have found that people my age, older and some younger, sit around and gossip, they say things to deliberately hurt others, and I do not understand why. Jealousy some would say. Hate, maybe, but why? For example; at work there are a few people who talk about yours truly. I have not done nor said anything to bring this on, but none-the-less it is going on. My boss is even part of it. She and I have somewhat of a history. Seems when I first arrived here in 2000, I met a man who I found attractive, and vice/versa. We dated off and on for a year or two, and still remain friends. Jump to 2007. I begin working with an RN who just so happens to have a picture of the guy. Guess what? She was his ex fiance right before I met this guy. Thing is, now she is my boss. Funny how life works out. Anyway, she does not really like me and has incorporated some of the RN's who feel the same and now it has become this club, so to speak. Lately,she has had the hots for one of the guys that my husband and I play Texas hold 'em with, and so she tries to spend alot of time with him. I am not quite the pro I would like to be so my husband has me sit out and learn. M ethe the person I am, I get the guys a drink if I am up, however, in obtaining this info, she has come away with that I am the "waitress" of Texas Hold'em, and has proceeded to tell the RN's in her circle. Thing is, this is all at work. How I found out? One of the RN's made a snide comment to me when asking me what I was doing for New Year's Eve. When I told him playing Texas Hold 'em. He said. "Don't you mean waitressing?" I called him on it. He said that he never said that, saying that he may have called me the "mistress" or something, but I know what I heard. Thing is, now he is denying it altogether, and the reason why is, because it involves my boss. These are adults people. Adults! I never understood why people mistreat other people. Have they never been on the receiving end before that they can't remember how it feels? I was the one who protected people. Still do. Yet I am the one who people chose to bully. Go figure. I have said something, but nothing gets done. I have defended myself, but why? I pray the day will come when someone will notice what it is that they are doing. Until then..............I can take it. Besides..............I been called worse than a waitress.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
My Birthday
Today is my birthday. 43 years ago on February 2nd, I was born. It took 72 of hard labor on my mother's part to bring me in this world, but eventually I came. She is the only one that actually is happy this day every year, besides myself that is. This is just another day to everyone else. Doesn't anyone realize that we are all here on earth for and with a purpose? I do not believe, that we are just randomly stuck here. So if there is a purpose for each and every one of us, should we not celebrate the one day that comes around that we were brought here? Maybe I am just making a big deal out of nothing, but my birthday means something to me, as does all the birthdays in my family. Yet every year so far, my birthday goes by as just another day. Oh well. Happy Birthday to me! One year older and no wiser than I was yesterday.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Q's Corner
I named my blog Q's Corner after my 8 month old daughter who passed away 14 years ago. After 3 boys I thought.....Yes, a Girl! She was born 9 years after my last son was born. My sons were 9, 10, 11. She was the Princess of the family. For eight months I dressed her in frilliest clothes, with ribbons in her hair. I used to always dress my little boys to the hilt with the hair just so and a dab of Daddy's cologne, but now, I have a little girl, and she to deserved some doting. On Decemeber 11, 1995 Quinlyn and I went into town (Durango, Colorado) and bought some supplies for the family that my son's classroom was sponsering. We dropped off our donations, and headed home. Once home, I took my sleeping little girl out of her car seat and laid her down. Later that afternoon, about 3:45, the boys came home from school, and my middle son asked if he could wake Quin up. I told him that he could. When he brought her out to me, he told me that she was burning up. I took her from him and took all her clothes off and took an axillary temp. It was 104.8. I called teh doctor immediately. The response I got from the nurse was one I was not expecting. "Dr. *** is on her honeymoon and the rest of the docs are busy seeing patients and the office will be closing in about an hour, after that you can call the office back and the doctor on call will be able to take your call." I told the nurse what her temp was but she just dismissed it to the flu that was going around. In the meantime I am looking for my husband, whom I cannot seem to find. I tried finding a babysitter for the kids and everyone I called either seemed busy, gone or just couldn't do it. By the time all was said and done, there had been 8 phone calls to the doc on call who told me to keep her home and rotate the Motrin and Tylenol every 4 hours, and put her in a luke warm bath (things I was already doing), it was 9 p.m.. I got her temp to 102.8, and I finally found someone to watch my sons, when my husband walks through the door. I tell him I am taking her to the ER. He asks me what the doctor had to say, then he tells me that I am making mountains out of mole hills. Needless to say, I don't go. Fast forward to December 12, 1995. I woke up with her lying next to me. I got up to get the boys ready for school. I kiss them and see them off. I go back over to Quin who is convulsing. My husband thought she was hiccuping. I threw on some clothes, put a bag together for her, wrapped her up and set off for the hospital. After 8 hours at Mercy Medical, they decided to fly us out to Denver Children's. After 3 or so hours there,they pronounced her dead at 7:20 p.m.. Brain dead. Spinal Meningitis as the cause of death. I was there alone holding my baby girl wishing it was me in her place, begging God to give her my life, but he wouldn't. There is never a day that she isn't on my mind. Every chance I get I pay tribute to her, because in her short little life, and in her death she showed me that each day is a great day, and to never take anyone or anything for granted. I wanted to walk away from my faith, but I couldn't knowing she was with God, so my faith got stronger. She also helped me to be a better me by never giving up. Always pushing. Had I had listend to myself that night and not my husband, who knows if she would be here today. I do know this, you are given an instinct for a reason. It is your choice whether you choose to follow it. I did not follow my instinct that day and I paid a heavy price. Did I know the outcome? All I know are the words I said to my husband that fateful night, "If something happens to her, it will be on your head, not mine". But it is on my head, even though I wanted to take her that night, I chose to listen to someone else and not my own heart.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Daily life can be so inconvenient.
In just the last few weeks my life has changed so much. I have so much on my plate and so little time to deal with it. I want to give every little part a piece of me, but then fear that nothng will be left over. Although I know that isn't true, history has proven that. Sometimes I just feel that I have bitten of more than I can chew, especially when I add classes into the mix. [Every semester it's like looking at a buffet, except your just not sure what the menu really is until you actually have it on your plate. By the time you get back to the table, you're not really sure you want what you have on your plate. But then, every semester is like.] I look forward to the end of the semester, so that I can have that time back with my family. Family is my life. That is the reason why I am continuing my educaton. I hope to better my family, and myself.
I also want my sons to see their mother as someone who never quit and as one who believes that a good education, however inconvenient, makes for better knowledge, a better job, and hopefully a more fulfulling life.
I also want my sons to see their mother as someone who never quit and as one who believes that a good education, however inconvenient, makes for better knowledge, a better job, and hopefully a more fulfulling life.
Monday, January 25, 2010
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