My little man


I wish to welcome all who venture here and are interested in knowing a little more about me.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

People intrigue me

I wonder why people feel like they have to talk about other people.  I remember back in junior high school how the girls used to talk about one another, especially the new girl.  Then later everybody became friends and forgot that you once hated each other.  Then high school came and you think it will be more mature and different, just to find it's been more fine tuned and more malicious.  Thing is, as you grow up, it doesn't matter where you are, people are who they are no matter what.  I am 43 now, and I have found that people my age, older and some younger, sit around and gossip, they say things to deliberately hurt others, and I do not understand why.  Jealousy some would say.  Hate, maybe, but why?  For example; at work there are a few people who talk about yours truly.  I have not done nor said anything to bring this on, but none-the-less it is going on.  My boss is even part of it.  She and I have somewhat of a history.  Seems when I first arrived here in 2000, I met a man who I found attractive, and vice/versa.  We dated off and on for a year or two, and still remain friends.  Jump to 2007.  I begin working with an RN who just so happens to have a picture of the guy.  Guess what?  She was his ex fiance right before I met this guy.  Thing is, now she is my boss.  Funny how life works out.  Anyway, she does not really like me and has incorporated some of the RN's who feel the same and now it has become this club, so to speak.  Lately,she has had the hots for one of the guys that my husband and I play Texas hold 'em with, and so she tries to spend alot of time with him.  I am not quite the pro I would like to be so my husband has me sit out and learn. M ethe the person I am, I  get the guys a drink if I am up, however, in obtaining this info, she has come away with that I am the "waitress" of Texas Hold'em, and has proceeded to tell the RN's in her circle.  Thing is, this is all at work.  How I found out?  One of the RN's made a snide comment to me when asking me what I was doing for New Year's Eve.  When I told him playing Texas Hold 'em.  He said. "Don't you mean waitressing?"  I called him on it.  He said that he never said that, saying that he may have called me the "mistress" or something, but I know what I heard.  Thing is, now he is denying it altogether, and the reason why is, because it involves my boss.  These are adults people.  Adults!  I never understood why people mistreat other people.  Have they never been on the receiving end before that they can't remember how it feels?  I was the one who protected people.  Still do.  Yet I am the one who people chose to bully.  Go figure.  I have said something, but nothing gets done.  I have defended myself, but why?  I pray the day will come when someone will notice what it is that they are doing.  Until then..............I can take it.  Besides..............I been called worse than a waitress.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is human nature to seek to make yourself feel better by tearing others down...
