My little man


I wish to welcome all who venture here and are interested in knowing a little more about me.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Birthday

Today is my birthday.  43 years ago on February 2nd, I was born.  It took 72 of hard labor on my mother's part to bring me in this world, but eventually I came.  She is the only one that actually is happy this day every year, besides myself that is.  This is just another day to everyone else.  Doesn't anyone realize that we are all here on earth for and with a purpose?  I do not believe, that we are just randomly stuck here.  So if there is a purpose for each and every one of us, should we not celebrate the one day that comes around that we were brought here?  Maybe I am just making a big deal out of nothing, but my birthday means something to me, as does all the birthdays in my family.  Yet every year so far, my birthday goes by as just another day.  Oh well.  Happy Birthday to me!  One year older and no wiser than I was yesterday.
